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Simprint offers full line of MICROPLEX Printers

Simprint now sells Microplex printers a wide-ranging product line of continuous form printers for industrial and office applications. 

Grounded in an understanding of the physical processes of digital printing, our focus has always been directed toward real-life application and actual customer needs.

The functional range and of the printers and the benefit for the customers increased constantly. This in-house development is the basis to realize customer demands fast and efficient.

At Simprint you will find the information for your task.



Laser Printers

To find the best continuous form laser printer to suit your needs, you need to consider the following questions:

  • Wide web or narrow web continuous form laser printer?
  • What is your desired print speed or throughput?
  • How much volume, in feet, do you print per month?
  • Do you print on any specialty media, such as plastics, cardstock, etc.?
  • Are you doing production batch printing that requires unattended operation?
  • Do you require 2-up or side by side page printing?
  • Need MICR Toner, check printing or other specialty print requirements?
  • If you need assistance qualifying your printer needs, call us at 972-793-0707


Replacements for obsolete Printronix© printers


To learn more -  go to the Products pull down menu hit printers and look for the various brochures on 14 printers.






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